Something Different

Movies to discover antibiotics by!

Dear All, Well, I think we can all agree that being grounded and shut away by COVID-19 is not exactly what any of us had in mind this spring! I certainly miss seeing everyone at the various events and I hope you are all keeping safe.  But, staying home does offer a bit of time

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Useful AMR graphics: Poirel 2017 and Marston 2016

Dear All: There’s a very comprehensive review of the polymyxins by Poirel, Jayol, and Nordmann just out in Clin Micro Reviews ( If you’re a fan of good quality graphics as way to tell the story of AMR, their Figure 4 is worth capturing! Ditto their Figure 5 of outbreaks of colistin-resistant, carbapenemase-producing K. pneumoniae.

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Superb PBS Newshour segment on agricultural use of antibiotics + McKeena’s Big Chicken book

Dear All:  I wrote a few weeks ago about the Stopping Superbugs series from PBS Newshour. PBS has since then added some superb new materials: A marvelous 10-minute video story on agricultural use of antibiotics A column on Maryn McKenna’s upcoming Big Chicken book (scheduled for release on 12 Sep) A column on the never-ending debate about taking the entire course of antibiotics These build on

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Superb podcasts x 2: “Your cancer will be controlled, but you may die of infection” and “Pharma needs to be (and stay) engaged”

Dear All, Clear analyses by our colleagues in the science-focused media are invaluable ways to educate both ourselves and others: we learn new viewpoints while our non-technical friends and colleagues learn what keeps us up at night. On this note, we have two recently released 30-minute podcasts that are very much worth hearing and sharing. 

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PBS FRONTLINE: Hunting the Nightmare Bacteria

Dear All:  Frontline will today broadcast an updated version of the excellent Hunting the Nightmare Bacteria show that first broadcast in 2013. Here’s the link to the announcement and here is the short description of this 1-h program: “Described by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention as “nightmare bacteria,” there are now predictions that drug-resistant superbugs will kill more

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