Something Different

How the sausage is made: A day of advocacy for PASTEUR

Dear All, Along with more than 50 others, I spent Tuesday 12 Sep 2023 on Capitol Hill visiting offices of members of Congress (Senate and House) seeking support for the PASTEUR Act. If you’re a regular reader, you’ll know that we now have substantial bipartisan support for PASTEUR: it was re-introduced as The Pioneering Antimicrobial

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High Watermark for Pull Incentives (and more): Reflections on an amazing week!

Dear All, As a follow up to the glorious cacophony of the events occurring right at the end of April, Kevin Outterson and I made time to discuss all that has happened. The PASTEUR Act reintroduced, the AMR House Subcommittee hearing, the European Commission proposals, the CARB-X Annual Report, FDA approval of the first microbiome-based therapeutic …

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JPIAMR Diagnostics Call / James Bond’s occupational exposures

Dear All, A short one today! Please peruse both the funding opportunities and upcoming meetings just below my signature. Of special note: Building on the call in the recent biodefense-focused BAA from NIAID for diagnostic applications, JPIAMR is also looking for diagnostic applications (7 Mar deadline). Very interesting 2 Mar 2023 Duke-Margolis webinar entitled “Data Capture

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Can You Answer A 3-Question Survey About This Newsletter?

Dear All, Wellcome Trust has renewed their support of AMR.Solutions and, with that, I’d like to share with you a survey about this newsletter. There are 3 questions and an optional comment box for you to write any additional thoughts you may have about this newsletter. I personally found last year’s survey to be highly

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CARB-X funding rounds! / The Mold That Changed The World at IDWeek!

Please note that a very interesting Quality Improvement RFP has been added to the current funding opportunities listing with an application cut-off of 6 Oct … apologies for the late posting!  Dear All, First up, CARB-X has at long last announced new funding rounds! As you’ll recall, CARB-X was recently funded for another 10 years by BARDA and Wellcome

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Job Opportunity with Duke-Margolis! / Phage workshop! / The Martian!

Dear All, I have many times previously shared webinars from the excellent policy team at Duke-Margolis Center for Health Policy. Excitingly if you are in search of that type of role, they are now looking for a Policy Analyst who would be located in either Washington, DC or Durham, NC. Here is the verbatim job summary from

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Antibiograms: Polishing a cloudy crystal ball

Dear All, A recent paper by Hasegawa et al. and a multi-paper supplement, both in Clinical Infectious Diseases, combine to provide an interesting message. First, the paper by Hasegawa and colleagues. I’ve taken the title of this newsletter from an accompanying editorial by MacDougall who opens his commentary with “If there is one thing infectious

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